Enumeration EAdlibFieldNamesEnum

Enumeration Members

%0 1L 1l 1r 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 2I 2J 2K 2L 2M 2N 2P 2R 2V 2a 2f 2h 2j 2l 2n 2x AA AB AD AF AG AH AI AJ AK AM AT AW AX AY Ac Ad Ah Ai Aj Ak Ap Aq B3 B4 B5 BA BD BE BL BR Bd Br C1 C2 C3 C4 CA CB CC CF CK CL CQ CS Cl Cq Ct Cu D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DL DM DN DO DP DQ DR DS DT DX DY DZ Da E3 E4 E7 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF EG EH EI EJ EK EL EM EP EQ ES EV Ed El F2 FB FD FE FM FN FO FU H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HA HB HC HE HF HG HH HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HP HR HS HT I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 IA IC ID IE IL IM IN IP IR IS IT IU IV Ib Iq Iw JT Jc Jd Ji Jn Jt KA KD KE KG KW L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 LB LC LD LE LF LG LH LI LJ LK LM LN LO LP LQ LR LS LT LY LZ La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Ln Lo Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz MA MC ME MG MM MP MS N1 N2 N3 NA NB NC ND NE NF NG NH NI NJ NK NL NM NN NP NQ NS NT NU Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Nj Nn Nt OB OC OD OE OF OH OL OO OP OR OS OT OW OY P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P7 P8 P9 PA PB PC PD PH PI PJ PK PL PM PP PQ PR PS PT PU PV PX Pc QU R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 RA RB RC RD RE RF RG RH RJ RK RN RO RP RQ RS RT Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rh Ri Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru S1 S2 S3 SA SC SE SG SH SI SN SP SS ST SX Sh Sn T2 T4 TA TC TD TF TG TH TI TJ TK TL TM TN TO TP TQ TR TS TT TU TV TX TY TZ Tp Tr Tx U1 UM UN UR US UT V0 V1 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 VA VC VD VE VF VH VJ VK VL VM VN VP VQ VR VT VV VW VY Vc Vt WA X1 X2 X3 X4 X9 aK ac ag ak au ba bg bi bn bt ch cn cp d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 dL di dl dm dx dz fa fn fr gv h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 hd iD iP ia ib ic id ie ig ii ij in io ip ir it iu iv iw ka kb kc kg ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 lA lB lC lD lE lH lJ lK lL lM lN lO lP lQ lR lS lT lU lV lW lX lY lZ la lb lc ld lf lh li ll lm ln lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw ly lz mC mN mP mR mT mc mi mm mt n4 n6 nc nd ng ni nm nt nw ob od oe og oh oi op p2 pY pa pn po r1 r2 rA rB rL rN rR rT ra rd re ri rl rn rp rt s1 sD sP si sp t1 t2 t3 tA ti tm to tp tx v7 vi vm vn wl wp yz

Enumeration Members

%0: "priref"
1L: "parts_reference.lref"
1l: "part_of_reference.lref"
1r: "related_object.reference.lref"
2A: "current_location.name"
2B: "current_location.package_location"
2C: "current_location.date"
2D: "current_location.notes"
2E: "current_location.suitability"
2F: "current_location.authoriser"
2G: "current_location.time"
2H: "next_movement.method"
2I: "next_movement.reference"
2J: "next_movement.contact"
2K: "next_movement.notes"
2L: "next_movement.location.name"
2M: "next_movement.location.package_location"
2N: "current_location.barcode"
2P: "next_movement.time"
2R: "current_location.executor"
2V: "location.history.executor"
2a: "current_location.lref"
2f: "current_location.authoriser.lref"
2h: "next_movement.method.lref"
2j: "next_movement.contact.lref"
2l: "next_movement.location.lref"
2n: "next_movement.location.barcode"
2x: "current_location.device_name"
AA: "label.date"
AB: "label.text"
AD: "loan.out.requester.contact"
AF: "number_of_images"
AG: "administration_name"
AH: "loan.out.request.period.start"
AI: "loan.out.request.period.end"
AJ: "loan.out.request.reason"
AK: "loan.out.exhibition"
AM: "treatment.number"
AT: "treatment.type"
AW: "treatment.method"
AX: "treatment.date.start"
AY: "treatment.date.end"
Ac: "accruals"
Ad: "loan.in.lender.contact"
Ah: "loan.in.request.period.start"
Ai: "loan.in.request.period.end"
Aj: "loan.in.request.reason"
Ak: "loan.in.exhibition"
Ap: "label.type"
Aq: "label.source"
B3: "description.name"
B4: "description.date"
B5: "part_of.notes"
BA: "institution.name"
BD: "loan.out.contract.period.end"
BE: "description"
BL: "institution.place"
BR: "loan.out.contract.period.start"
Bd: "loan.in.contract.period.end"
Br: "loan.in.contract.period.start"
C1: "current_location.context"
C2: "location.default.context"
C3: "next_movement.location.context"
C4: "location.history.context"
CA: "acquisition.conditions"
CB: "content.description"
CC: "content.classification.code"
CF: "credit_line"
CK: "content.description.part"
CL: "collection"
CQ: "loan.out.status"
CS: "content.classification.scheme"
Cl: "CorrespondenceType.lref"
Cq: "loan.in.status"
Ct: "CorrespondanceType"
Cu: "closed_until"
D1: "disposal.prop_recipient"
D2: "disposal.number"
D3: "disposal.reason"
D4: "disposal.provisos"
D5: "disposal.price.value"
D6: "disposal.document.description"
D7: "disposal.document.reference"
D8: "disposal.notes"
D9: "new_object_number"
DA: "dimension.free"
DC: "disposal.recipient"
DD: "deaccession.date"
DE: "production.date.end"
DF: "distinguishing_features"
DG: "date_general"
DH: "disposal.price.currency"
DI: "dimension.type"
DL: "dimension.part"
DM: "disposal.method"
DN: "dimension.notes"
DO: "production.date.notes"
DP: "inscription.description"
DQ: "disposal.date"
DR: "production.date.start.prec"
DS: "production.date.start"
DT: "production.date.end.prec"
DX: "determination.name"
DY: "determination.date"
DZ: "determination.notes"
Da: "disposal.authoriser"
E3: "transport.depositor"
E4: "transport.owner"
E7: "transport.despatch_or_entry"
E9: "transport.reason"
EA: "recommendation.display"
EB: "recommendation.environment"
EC: "recommendation.handling"
ED: "recommendation.packing"
EE: "dimension.unit"
EF: "recommendation.security"
EG: "recommendation.storage"
EH: "requirem.legal"
EI: "requirem.legal.held"
EJ: "requirem.legal.held.number"
EK: "requirem.legal.held.date.start"
EL: "requirem.legal.held.date.end"
EM: "requirem.legal.held.renewal"
EP: "requirem.special"
EQ: "transport.number"
ES: "transport.entry_date"
EV: "transport.despatch_date"
Ed: "transport.destination"
El: "ReproductionGenesis.lref"
F2: "access_category.notes"
FB: "environmental_condition.notes"
FD: "environmental_condition.date"
FE: "datasets.document"
FM: "reproduction.format"
FN: "reproduction.reference"
FO: "environmental_condition.preservation_form"
FU: "creator.role"
H1: "hazard"
H2: "hazard.notes"
H3: "hazard.date"
H4: "disposal_notes.history"
H5: "disposal_date.history"
H6: "retention_action_notes.history"
HA: "content.motif.general"
HB: "habitat"
HC: "accession_date"
HE: "current_owner"
HF: "acquisition.number"
HG: "acquisition.authorisation.name"
HH: "acquisition.authorisation.date"
HI: "acquisition.offer_price.value"
HJ: "acquisition.offer_price.currency"
HK: "acquisition.funding.value"
HL: "acquisition.auction"
HM: "acquisition.funding.source"
HN: "acquisition.funding.proviso"
HO: "acquisition.document.description"
HP: "acquisition.document.reference"
HR: "acquisition.auction.lot_number"
HS: "content.motif.specific"
HT: "acquisition.funding.currency"
I2: "institution.code"
I3: "alternative_number"
I4: "alternative_number.type"
I5: "alternative_number.date"
I6: "alternative_number.institution"
I7: "inscription.creator"
I8: "inscription.creator.role"
IA: "inscription.notes"
IC: "inscription.interpretation"
ID: "identification"
IE: "identification_date"
IL: "inscription.language"
IM: "inscription.method"
IN: "object_number"
IP: "inscription.position"
IR: "inscription.translation"
IS: "inscription.script"
IT: "inscription.type"
IU: "inscription.transliteration"
IV: "inscription.date"
Ib: "Inscription.Bustrophedon"
Iq: "Inscription.Quality"
Iw: "Inscription.FirstLineStartsWith"
JT: "process.duration.total"
Jc: "process.date.target"
Jd: "process.date.completion"
Ji: "process.archivist"
Jn: "process"
Jt: "process.duration"
KA: "rules_conventions"
KD: "geographical_importance"
KE: "likely_demand"
KG: "accession_status"
KW: "creator.qualifier"
L1: "inscription.language.lref"
L2: "valuation.value.currency.lref"
L3: "taxonomy.scientific_name.lref"
L4: "field_coll.place.code.type.lref"
L5: "acquisition.price.currency.lref"
L6: "acquisition.funding.currency.lref"
L7: "disposal.price.currency.lref"
LB: "location_check.name"
LC: "location_check.notes"
LD: "location_check.date"
LE: "res_tag.age"
LF: "field_coll.name.lref"
LG: "field_coll.name.role.lref"
LH: "field_coll.method.lref"
LI: "frame"
LJ: "determination.name.lref"
LK: "environmental_condition.preservation_form.lref"
LM: "location.history.notes"
LN: "loan.out.requester"
LO: "frame.notes"
LP: "process.lref"
LQ: "phys_characteristic.aspect.lref"
LR: "documentation.free_text"
LS: "loan.out.object_status"
LT: "location.history.package_location"
LY: "association.subject.tax.lref"
LZ: "content.subject.tax.lref"
La: "association.subject.name.lref"
Lb: "content.date.period.lref"
Lc: "association.period.assoc.lref"
Ld: "association.period.lref"
Le: "acquisition.place.lref"
Lf: "owner_hist.owner.lref"
Lg: "owner_hist.acquired_from.lref"
Lh: "owner_hist.acquisition.method.lref"
Li: "owner_hist.place.lref"
Lj: "disposal.prop_recipient.lref"
Lk: "owner_hist.auction.lref"
Ll: "transport.number.lref"
Ln: "acquisition.auction.lref"
Lo: "treatment.number.lref"
Lq: "related_accession_number.lref"
Lr: "field_coll.event.lref"
Ls: "loan.in.object_status"
Lt: "field_coll.place.lref"
Lu: "field_coll.place.code.lref"
Lv: "field_coll.place.feature.lref"
Lw: "grid.type.lref"
Lx: "habitat.lref"
Ly: "stratigraphy.unit.lref"
Lz: "stratigraphy.type.lref"
MA: "material"
MC: "existence_of_copies"
ME: "reproduction.end_point"
MG: "existence_of_originals"
MM: "material.notes"
MP: "material.part"
MS: "reproduction.start_point"
N1: "parts.notes"
N2: "taxonomy.rank"
N3: "taxonomy.scientific_name"
NA: "field_coll.name"
NB: "loan.in.lender"
NC: "field_coll.event"
ND: "field_coll.date.start"
NE: "edition"
NF: "field_coll.place"
NG: "grid.type"
NH: "grid.X_reference"
NI: "grid.X_reference.addition"
NJ: "grid.Y_reference"
NK: "grid.Y_reference.addition"
NL: "location.default.name"
NM: "field_coll.name.role"
NN: "grid.precision"
NP: "field_coll.place.code"
NQ: "field_coll.place.feature"
NS: "copy_number"
NT: "field_coll.notes"
NU: "field_coll.method"
Na: "field_coll.date.end"
Nb: "field_coll.date.start.precision"
Nc: "field_coll.date.end.precision"
Nd: "field_coll.number"
Ne: "field_coll.place.code.type"
Nf: "content.subject.tax.rank"
Ng: "content.subject.tax"
Nh: "association.subject.tax.rank"
Nj: "association.subject.tax"
Nn: "location.default.barcode"
Nt: "location.default.package_location"
OB: "object_name"
OC: "object_category"
OD: "other_name"
OE: "other_name.type"
OF: "original_function"
OH: "part_of.title"
OL: "parts.title"
OO: "object_name.notes"
OP: "notes"
OR: "related_object.title"
OS: "specimen_type"
OT: "object_name.type"
OW: "record_access.owner"
OY: "title.type"
P0: "owner_hist.notes"
P1: "owner_hist.owner"
P2: "owner_hist.acquired_from"
P3: "owner_hist.acquisition.method"
P4: "owner_hist.experience"
P5: "owner_hist.response"
P7: "owner_hist.price.value"
P8: "owner_hist.date.start"
P9: "owner_hist.place"
PA: "part"
PB: "object_history_note"
PC: "phys_characteristic.aspect"
PD: "physical_description"
PH: "res_tag.phase"
PI: "owner_hist.ownership_category"
PJ: "owner_hist.access"
PK: "phys_characteristic.keyword"
PL: "owner_hist.date.end"
PM: "phys_characteristic.notes"
PP: "phys_characteristic.part"
PQ: "owner_hist.auction"
PR: "dimension.precision"
PS: "owner_hist.auction.lot_number"
PT: "production.period"
PU: "owner_hist.price.currency"
PV: "acquisition.date.precision"
PX: "acquisition.place"
Pc: "production.place.context"
QU: "number_of_parts"
R1: "retention.action"
R2: "retention.material_type"
R3: "retention.period"
R4: "retention.action_date"
R5: "retention.action_by"
R6: "retention.transferred_to"
R7: "retention.action_confirmed"
RA: "recorder_authority"
RB: "original_negative"
RC: "original_print"
RD: "reproduction.date"
RE: "copy_print"
RF: "digital_reference"
RG: "copy_negative"
RH: "related_object.association"
RJ: "related_object.notes"
RK: "reproduction.notes"
RN: "old.copyright_note"
RO: "rights.notes"
RP: "reproduction.type"
RQ: "record_access.rights"
RS: "reproduction.creator"
RT: "digital_reference.description"
Ra: "rights.out.authoriser"
Rb: "rights.out.authorisation_date"
Rc: "rights.consent_status"
Rd: "rights.consent_status.date"
Re: "rights.end"
Rh: "rights.holder"
Ri: "rights.assigned"
Rp: "ReproductionGenesis"
Rq: "rights.out.requester"
Rr: "rights.reference_number"
Rs: "rights.start"
Rt: "rights.type"
Ru: "retention.action_notes"
S1: "association.period.date.start"
S2: "association.period.date.end"
S3: "location.history.suitability"
SA: "system_of_arrangement"
SC: "school_style"
SE: "location.history.date.end"
SG: "content.source.general"
SH: "location.history.time"
SI: "content.source.object_number"
SN: "content.source.specific"
SP: "location.history.authoriser"
SS: "location.history.date.start"
ST: "location.history.name"
SX: "res_tag.sex"
Sh: "location.history.removal_time"
Sn: "location.history.barcode"
T2: "technique.part"
T4: "valuation.value"
TA: "technique.notes"
TC: "exhibition.catalogue_number"
TD: "valuation.date"
TF: "condition.notes"
TG: "completeness.notes"
TH: "condition.part"
TI: "title"
TJ: "exhibition.venue"
TK: "technique"
TL: "completeness.date"
TM: "exhibition.notes"
TN: "exhibition"
TO: "condition"
TP: "title.language"
TQ: "completeness.check.name"
TR: "inscription.content"
TS: "completeness"
TT: "title.translation"
TU: "condition.date"
TV: "condition.check.name"
TX: "valuation.name"
TY: "title.notes"
TZ: "valuation.value.currency"
Tp: "conservation.treatment_priority"
Tr: "valuation.reference"
Tx: "title.term_index"
U1: "production.place.uri"
UM: "usage_notes"
UN: "stratigraphy.unit"
UR: "record_access.user"
US: "usage"
UT: "stratigraphy.type"
V0: "insurance.value.currency"
V1: "production.notes"
V3: "insurance.value.date"
V4: "insurance.conditions"
V5: "valuation.notes"
V6: "insurance.notes"
V7: "insurance.valuer"
V8: "insurance.expiry_date"
V9: "insurance.policy_number"
VA: "insurance.company"
VC: "insurance.reference"
VD: "acquisition.date"
VE: "acquisition.price.notes"
VF: "free_field.type"
VH: "free_field.confidential"
VJ: "free_field.date"
VK: "free_field.content"
VL: "acquisition.price.currency"
VM: "acquisition.notes"
VN: "acquisition.source"
VP: "production.place"
VQ: "acquisition.price.value"
VR: "acquisition.reason"
VT: "production.reason"
VV: "creator"
VW: "acquisition.method"
VY: "insurance.value"
Vc: "insurance.confirmation_date"
Vt: "insurance.type"
WA: "dimension.value"
X1: "conservation_request.date"
X2: "conservation_request.name"
X3: "conservation_request.reason"
X4: "conservation_request.status"
X9: "conservation_request.treatment"
aK: "loan.out.exhibition.lref"
ac: "related_accession_number"
ag: "administration_name.lref"
ak: "loan.in.exhibition.lref"
au: "documentation.author"
ba: "bar_code"
bg: "part_of.description_level"
bi: "loan.in.number"
bn: "loan.out.number"
bt: "part_of_reference"
ch: "copy_to_retention_history"
cn: "taxonomy.common_name"
cp: "closure_period"
d1: "loss_damage.method"
d2: "loss_damage.date"
d3: "loss_damage.notes"
d4: "loss_damage.reference"
d5: "loss_damage.reporter"
dL: "loss_damage.reporter.lref"
di: "input.date"
dl: "loss_damage.method.lref"
dm: "edit.date"
dx: "period_enum"
dz: "print_state"
fa: "finding_aids"
fn: "reproduction.reference.lref"
fr: "index_field.arc_free"
gv: "description_level"
h1: "retention_reference.history"
h2: "retention_material_type.history"
h3: "retention_period.history"
h4: "retention_action.history"
h5: "retention_action_date.history"
h6: "retention_action_by.history"
h7: "retention_transferred_to.history"
h8: "retention_action_completed.history"
h9: "disposal_authoriser.history"
hd: "location.history.device_name"
iD: "id_number"
iP: "inscription.position.lref"
ia: "content.date.position"
ib: "content.date.period"
ic: "content.subject.name"
id: "content.date.start"
ie: "content.date.end"
ig: "content.date.note"
ii: "content.person.name.type"
ij: "content.person.name"
in: "content.person.note"
io: "content.subject.type"
ip: "content.subject"
ir: "content.person.name.role"
it: "content.subject.note"
iu: "content.subject.identifier"
iv: "content.subject.position"
iw: "content.person.position"
ka: "association.period.assoc"
kb: "association.period"
kc: "association.subject.name"
kg: "association.period.note"
ki: "association.person.type"
kj: "association.person"
kk: "association.person.association"
kl: "association.person.date.start"
km: "association.person.date.end"
kn: "association.person.note"
ko: "association.subject.type"
kp: "association.subject"
kq: "association.subject.association"
kr: "association.subject.date.start"
ks: "association.subject.date.end"
kt: "association.subject.note"
l1: "creator.lref"
l2: "exhibition.lref"
l3: "object_name.lref"
l4: "acquisition.offer_price.currency.lref"
l5: "production.place.lref"
l6: "material.lref"
l7: "owner_hist.price.currency.lref"
l8: "insurance.value.currency.lref"
l9: "acquisition.source.lref"
lA: "disposal.authoriser.lref"
lB: "school_style.lref"
lC: "phys_characteristic.keyword.lref"
lD: "content.motif.general.lref"
lE: "content.motif.specific.lref"
lH: "hazard.lref"
lJ: "inscription.type.lref"
lK: "loan.in.number.lref"
lL: "inscription.creator.lref"
lM: "content.person.name.lref"
lN: "content.subject.lref"
lO: "association.person.lref"
lP: "association.subject.lref"
lQ: "location.default.lref"
lR: "location.history.lref"
lS: "documentation.title.lref"
lT: "creator.role.lref"
lU: "related_object.association.lref"
lV: "inscription.script.lref"
lW: "inscription.creator.role.lref"
lX: "association.person.association.lref"
lY: "association.subject.association.lref"
lZ: "content.subject.name.lref"
la: "technique.lref"
lb: "current_owner.lref"
lc: "insurance.company.lref"
ld: "disposal.method.lref"
lf: "institution.name.lref"
lh: "rights.holder.lref"
li: "loan.out.number.lref"
ll: "production.period.lref"
lm: "disposal.recipient.lref"
ln: "valuation.name.lref"
lp: "condition.lref"
lq: "rights.out.requester.lref"
lr: "dimension.type.lref"
ls: "acquisition.method.lref"
lt: "rights.type.lref"
lu: "dimension.unit.lref"
lv: "collection.lref"
lw: "object_name.type.lref"
ly: "object_category.lref"
lz: "usage.lref"
mC: "movement.contact"
mN: "movement.notes"
mP: "next_movement.planned_date"
mR: "movement.reference"
mT: "movement.method"
mc: "movement.contact.lref"
mi: "input.notes"
mm: "edit.notes"
mt: "movement.method.lref"
n4: "creator.date_of_birth"
n6: "creator.date_of_death"
nc: "next_condition_check_date"
nd: "next_date_check_frequency"
ng: "parts.description_level"
ni: "input.name"
nm: "edit.name"
nt: "parts_reference"
nw: "check_record"
ob: "reproduction.original_file_name"
od: "digital_reference.original_file_name"
oe: "valuation.original_file_name"
og: "acquisition.document.original_file_name"
oh: "disposal.document.original_file_name"
oi: "insurance.original_file_name"
op: "documentation.notes"
p2: "documentation.page_reference"
pY: "cataloguing_priority"
pa: "creator.history"
pn: "last_transaction.date"
po: "last_transaction.time"
r1: "research.date.start"
r2: "research.date.end"
rA: "research.researcher"
rB: "research.notes"
rL: "research.reference_number.lref"
rN: "research.reference_number"
rR: "research.result"
rT: "record_type"
ra: "rights.out.authoriser.lref"
rd: "record_progress.date"
re: "New_collect_field_re"
ri: "recommendation.installation"
rl: "retention.reference.lref"
rn: "retention.reference"
rp: "record_progress"
rt: "related_object.reference"
s1: "simSear"
sD: "salvage_priority.date"
sP: "salvage_priority"
si: "documentation.shelfmark"
sp: "location.history.authoriser.lref"
t1: "exhibition.date.start"
t2: "exhibition.date.end"
t3: "exhibition.reference_number"
tA: "exhibition.organiser"
ti: "documentation.title"
tm: "edit.time"
to: "New_collect_field_to"
tp: "exhibition.venue.place"
tx: "input.time"
v7: "insurance.valuer.lref"
vi: "input.source"
vm: "edit.source"
vn: "acquisition.source.type"
wl: "documentation.title.lead_word"
wp: "publish_on_web"
yz: "PID"

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